Be Aware

Are Conditions Favorable for a Wildfire?

Red Flag Warnings

Wildfire can happen during any month of the year, in any corner of the county when conditions are right. The National Weather Service will issue a Red Flag warning when there’s an increased risk of fire danger because of the following conditions:




Catastrophic fire is most likely to occur when these conditions converge.

What to Avoid

If Boulder County is under a Red Flag or High Wind warning, or under Stage 1 or Stage 2 Fire Restrictions, the following activities should be avoided:

  • Campfires
  • Fireworks
  • Charcoal grills should not be left unattended until coals are cold (or better yet, don’t use them)
  • Tossing flaming or lit materials including cigarettes or ashes onto the ground.
  • Use of machinery that could cause sparks outdoors including items like lawn mowers, welding equipment, or heavy equipment
  • Cars and motorcycles should not be parked on tall or dry grass

Think you see smoke?

If it’s not a Red Flag day, smoke could be from prescribed fire in the county or from wildfire elsewhere in the state or beyond. Start by googling “Why do I smell smoke in Boulder”.

If in doubt, call 911!