Outreach & Education

The information on this page applies to all residents of Boulder County

Your community is located in Unincorporated Boulder County, the City of Boulder, Erie (Boulder County portions), Jamestown, Lafayette, Longmont, Louisville, Lyons, Nederland, Superior and Ward.

Outreach & Education

Is your Boulder County-based community group, fire district, or agency looking for help with community outreach around wildfire mitigation? Wildfire Partners has a team of subject matter experts available to help.

What We Offer

Abby Silver is presenting to an audience on topic of wildfire mitigation and defensible space.


We will work with your organizer/host to understand the base level knowledge of your residents and your goals around wildfire mitigation. From there we will create a presentation designed to address your specific concerns while communicating wildfire mitigation best practices through examples that will be relevant to your specific community.

A typical event generally includes a PowerPoint presentation followed by a Q&A. Presentations can be tailored for any size of audience and to the appropriate length for your event. They can be presented in person, online, or a in hybrid platform.

Contact us using our Wildfire Mitigation Community Event Request form or reach out to our team at wildfireoutreach@bouldercounty.gov.

Tabling and Socializing at Community Events

A member of our team can attend your community event (picnic, community festival, block party, HOA or neighborhood annual meeting, etc.) to sit at a table or to mingle with residents. We will provide informational handouts (and swag!), answer questions, and talk about wildfire mitigation best practices.

Contact us using our Wildfire Mitigation Community Event Request form or reach out to our team at wildfireoutreach@bouldercounty.gov.

Outreach Events in Spanish/Eventos de divulgación en español

Contáctenos utilizando nuestro formulario de Solicitud de evento comunitario de mitigación de incendios forestales o comuníquese con nuestra compañera: Olimpia Mejia  omejia@bouldercounty.gov o marque al 720-564-2751

Attend an Event!

Curious to meet us in person? Interested in attending one of our public events?