Be Aware

Are Conditions Favorable for a Wildfire?

Sign that notes fire danger ranging from low to extreme referencing red flag warnings.

Red Flag Warnings

Wildfire can happen during any month of the year, in any corner of the county when conditions are right. The National Weather Service will issue a Red Flag warning when there’s an increased risk of fire danger because of the following conditions:




Catastrophic fire is most likely to occur when these conditions converge.

What to Avoid

If Boulder County is under a Red Flag or High Wind warning, or under Stage 1 or Stage 2 Fire Restrictions, the following activities should be avoided:

  • Campfires
  • Fireworks
  • Charcoal grills should not be left unattended until coals are cold (or better yet, don’t use them)
  • Tossing flaming or lit materials including cigarettes or ashes onto the ground.
  • Use of machinery that could cause sparks outdoors including items like lawn mowers, welding equipment, or heavy equipment
  • Cars and motorcycles should not be parked on tall or dry grass

Think you see smoke?

If it’s not a Red Flag day, smoke could be from prescribed fire in the county or from wildfire elsewhere in the state or beyond. Start by googling “Why do I smell smoke in Boulder”.

If in doubt, call 911!