Wildfire Partners maintains a list of qualified forestry contractors to assist participants in the program.
Wildfire Partners does not recommend any one contractor over another on this list. No representation for services is implied by the presence of a contractor name.
Homeowners are not required to use contractors on the list to complete mitigation work. However, if you are receiving a financial reward for forestry work, you must use an approved forestry contractor through Wildfire Partners.
Our approved Forestry Contractors are updated on an annual basis. This list was last updated December 12, 2023.
If you are interested in being included on our list of recommended contractors, please email info@wildfirepartners.org.

Sort Yards
Boulder County operates two sort yards for dropping off logs, slash, timber, and pine cones/needles. The service is provided for free. There are two Community Forestry Sort Yards. Please check the website for dates and hours of operation.
Nederland Sort Yard 291 Ridge Road, Nederland through Saturday, November 16, 2024.
Meeker Park Sort Yard 8200 Hwy 7, Allenspark through Saturday, November 2, 2024.