October is Wildfire Awareness Month! Every October residents learn how to prepare for wildfire, take action to protect their homes, and work with neighbors to reduce their risk. If you have been putting off small or large mitigation projects over the summer, October is a great time to act.
We want to bring attention to Wildfire Awareness Month by engaging the community in two photo contests.
The first photo contest is geared toward active mitigation. Send in an action photo of you, your family, or friends performing mitigation. We will randomly draw 20 lucky winners who will receive a $100 gift card to either McGuckin Hardware or Indian Peaks Ace Hardware.
The second photo contest is to showcase before and after efforts. Please send a before and after photo of your mitigation work. If you are a program participant, we would like to see before and after photos of any “Required” item from your Home Assessment Report. If you would like a copy of any of the photos from your Assessment Report, please contact us at 303-441-1420. We will randomly draw 10 lucky winners to win a $250 gift card to either McGuckin Hardware or Indian Peaks Ace Hardware.
There are 3 ways to enter the contest:1. Facebook: Like Wildfire Partners on Facebook and post a picture on our page with the hashtag #mitigationinaction2. Twitter: Follow Wildfire Partners on Twitter and post a picture on our page with the hashtag #mitigationinaction3. Website: Send in a photo through our website, using the form below
The contest will begin Monday, October 2, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. and will end Tuesday, October 31, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. The drawing for the prizes will take place on Friday, November 3, 2017.
We will share your photos on our website and through social media to encourage others to actively participate in mitigation. Your odds of winning a raffle may never be so high!
Click here to see the photo contest entries from last year.
2016 Wildfire Partners Photo Contest Participant working on mitigation during Wildfire Awareness Month.
Wildfire Awareness Month Photo Contest
Post ImageRules and Regulations*
I Agree
By submitting your photo, you are agreeing to the ‘Official Rules and Regulations’ of the Wildfire Partners Awareness Month Photo Contest.
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