Community Mitigation

The information on this page applies to homeowners of Boulder County outside the City of Boulder

Your community is located in Unincorporated Boulder County, Erie (Boulder County portions), Jamestown, Lafayette, Longmont, Louisville, Lyons, Nederland, Superior and Ward.

Community Mitigation

Wildfire Partners always encourages community mitigation. Working with neighbors will create community resiliency and enhance the effectiveness of individual efforts.

Community effort is critical to successful wildfire mitigation in communities characterized by high-density development. This would include most neighborhoods, subdivisions, and HOAs in east Boulder County. In west Boulder County, this could include towns and historic townsites.

Our approach always begins with Community Advising. Communities that are motivated to go further will be considered for our Community Mitigation Planning program.

Ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating neighborhood's Firewise designation

Community Advising

For HOA boards, neighborhood committees, agency partners, and groups involved in mitigation planning.

Eligibility Requirements:

A Community Liaison is required.

This person:

  • Fills out the Community Application Form.
  • Serves as the point of contact.
  • Hosts/organizes the event.
Group of people looking at trees and shrubs in Eastern Boulder County

Wildfire Partners has subject matter experts available to advise community decision makers interested in implementing wildfire mitigation best practices in home/structure hardening, defensible space, and landscaping.

Contact us using our Community Application Form form or reach out to our team at

Community Mitigation Planning

Competitive Process

Community effort is critical to successful wildfire mitigation in communities characterized by high-density development. This would include most neighborhoods, subdivisions, and HOAs in east Boulder County. In west Boulder County, this could include towns and historic townsites.

Eligibility Requirements:

Community Mitigation Planning is a formal process where a community will organize to assess and reduce risk around wildfire.

To qualify, your group must:

  • Have a Community Liaison.
  • Include at least 8 homes.
  • Have a defined continuous boundary. Applicants may propose boundaries for their community, and Wildfire Partners will review this proposal and recommend changes as appropriate.
  • All homes within a common boundary must be included in the community as opposed to picking and choosing individual properties to make up a community.
  • A formal organizational structure (HOA, existing community group) is preferred but not required.

How Community Mitigation Planning Works:

Community mitigation involves the creation of a cohesive strategy around wildfire mitigation.

In dense neighborhoods, community members will need to work together to mitigate individual as well as community risk as conditions on any given property will impact fire behavior nearby. Homes, yards, and nearby natural spaces (woodlands and/or grasslands) are potential sources of structure ignition through embers, radiant heat, and/or direct flame contact during a wildfire.

Wildfire Partners supports NFPA’s Firewise USA model which offers a useful structure to help guide communities, and provides a nationally recognized designation for communities that meet the program standards. The designation process can take months or years depending on the existing level of community organization and wildfire mitigation. However, Firewise™ designation should be seen as a goal. Whether or not Firewise™ designation is a goal or not, the process of Community Mitigation Planning involves the following:

Stage 1: Organize

Stage 2: Assess

  • Wildfire Partners schedules an introductory phone/video meeting.
  • A Wildfire Partners mitigation specialist will conduct a joint site visit (community walk-through) with the Community Liaison and leadership team.
  • Wildfire Partners will follow up with an Advisory Report specific to your community.

Stage 3 : Educate

  • The Community Liaison organizes and hosts a community education event; Wildfire Partners will create a community-specific presentation.
  • Use this event to recruit additional members of your leadership team.

We highly encourage two or more people to work together as a wildfire mitigation committee, particularly for a larger community.

Stage 4: Plan

  • Community creates an action plan based on the Advisory Report; Wildfire Partners team is available to support as needed.

Stage 5: Implement

  • Complete educational and risk reduction activities based on your plan.
  • At this phase, you could decide to apply for NFPA’s Firewise USA program with designation as a goal.

If this is part of your action plan, homeowners can sign up for a home assessment.

Stage 6: Keep it up!

Role of the Applicant/Community Liaison

The Community Liaison will be responsible for completing an application. Any community member may serve as the Community Mitigation Liaison and apply on behalf of their community. The applicant will be the primary point of contact with Wildfire Partners.


Role of Wildfire Partners

We have subject matter experts available to help guide your Community Mitigation Liaison/committee with:

  • Community Outreach – Brainstorming and planning, presentations, and events.
  • Technical Assistance – Guidance conducting community risk assessments, interpreting, and presenting your findings.
  • Individual Home Assessments – Residents living within the community will qualify to apply if this is part of your action plan.
  • Project Implementation – Project planning, contractor lists, and free chipping services.
  • Financial Opportunities – Potential funding through the County, State, or other agencies.


No, it’s not required but preferred.

Wildfire Partners staff can answer questions about the advantages of becoming a Firewise™ community.

If you are interested in wildfire mitigation services, our staff is available to help.

We have subject matter experts available to attend board meetings, conduct site visits, attend community events and provide community advising.

Our outreach and education services are available to partner agencies interested in providing information on wildfire mitigation, particularly within Boulder County.

Please contact us at to find out more.